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January 12, 2008. On Thursday, our baby will be exactly four months and 7 days. Finally, my tummy is showing off now... and my boobs! Move over Pamela Anderson! hahaha! Just kidding...they are not exactly like Pam's size...but give me five more months.. haha!

I had a good laugh at Boboy's remark last night. He was so surprised to see my tummy. He was in Kidapawan for the last five days and when he saw me and my bulging belly,he couldn't seem to believe that it was only last Tuesday that we last saw each other. He said it was a whole lot smaller then. I told him it's what he gets for always whining about how long he has to wait for the baby to really grow inside me. ;)

I don't know about other women but for me, being pregnant is wonderful (at least at this time)... Well, it's not everyday that you get to be prioritized in all aspect. I get to sit and sleep on the most comfortable of places. Eat lunch earlier than everyone else in the office. Eat what I crave for... the list could go on forever. ;)

I feel so lucky. With a very loving husband, supportive family, friends, and colleagues, and a mighty GOD... what more could I possibly ask for, but for our baby to look like his/her Daddy, to be healthy, normal, and God-fearing.

If we will have a baby girl, her name shall be ALEEZA ERELAH... these are two Hebrew terms... aleeza means joyful and erelah means angel... my brother BORIS gave me those... I don't know if I really got it right...hehehe... If we will have a boy, I told Boboy about naming him Matthew Tyler... but my sister-in-laws told me it's too common... Chi told me that in Singapore, almost all baby boys are named Matthew... and that was when I had second thoughts about it... I particularly like Matthew for two reasons: First, it means God's Gift... and it just suits our baby perfectly.. He is after all, God's Gift to us... Second, I love the character of Matthew Farrell in Judith McNaught's novel, PARADISE... You guys should read it... It's a wonderful, wonderful novel... ;) With Chi's comment though, I had to reconsider... And so I decided it should be NOAH...

NOAH because my prayer is always, that our baby will grow up pleasing not only to our eyes, and hearts but most importantly, in God's sight. And Noah, in the bible was the only person who pleased GOD during his time. I was reminded of that during our prayer meeting last Thursday. Our discussion was based on the Purpose Driven Life's 9th day lesson. It was all about making GOD smile. The topic touched me a lot and my thoughts drifted from our baby to my prayer and to NOAH.

NOAH. NOAH. What a wonderful name.

But I haven't discussed it with Boboy yet.

I will tonight.

I hope he agrees...

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