Latest PreNatal Check Up

Our latest check up was last December 23, 2008. Once again, I heard that sweet sweet music. More than just the heartbeat, our baby's head was already visible through the ultrasound screen. I wished the monitor was colored so I could have seen it more clearly. The feeling gets more and more amazing each time I witness new developments on the fetus. I couldn't even wait for our next check up (which is after 30 days). I wish Boboy was there to witness it too. He sure missed a wonderful sight.
Doc said I should continue taking folic vitamins and more fluids. She said that our baby is normal and okay. Hay... that was quite a relief. Even before I got pregnant, I have been reading books on pregnancy and some of the articles in there are quite frightening (such as congenital infant illnesses, etc..)... She also told me to see a Dermatologist for treatment of some skin breakouts in my thighs and waist. She told me the breakouts were likely to be fungal infections and it should be treated asap!
I wasted no time. I went straight to a Derma Clinic where I was given a topical cream to treat the infection ( the pretty doctor called it "Seborrheic Dermatitis")... she also told me that such breakouts might just one of the effects of hormonal changes in my body, which is normal for pregnant women. Thanks to her, the breakouts are starting to heal already... and they are a whole lot less itchy and the redness has subsided too.
My tummy was not yet in its showing off stage at that time so the Derma was not sure she heard me right when I told her I am pregnant. She told me that I will probably just look like someone who had swallowed a whole lechon on my due date. Hmmm... I took that as a compliment, alright... ;-)
After my visit to the derma clinic, I met boboy at the Canon Center at Lanang. We picked up some of my stuff at the office, went to Uyanguren to buy stocks (for his shirt printing business), and then went straight to NCCC Mall to pick up Ate Nini, Ia, Snay, and Audrey... The traffic was moderate despite the Christmas Rush. ...aaahh.. Christmas... and I'm pregnant...
This has been the most wonderful christmas gift ever....

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