Baby's 17th Week and 4th Day...

According to this book I read, on the 17th week, Baby weighs five ounces, is roughly the size of an avocado, and has pink transparent skin. The brain, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems, lungs and urinary tract --- are in full swing. The heart is pumping approximately 25 quarts of blood a day.

And since we are moving on our 18th week, let me just share with you the development on this week. The ears have reached their final position, and the eyes are now looking forward. You will feel swift jerks as your little one becomes more active, turning around and kicking often, especially when voices are heard from outside the womb. The baby's skeleton is still soft and pliable, while the brain is growing fast. Listening to music and storytelling are sure ways to boost fetal brain development at this stage.

I wish I could see all these developments with my two eyes. I can't wait for my next visit to the OBGyn's clinic. As to the swift jerks, I think I felt them already... "I think" because I am not really sure if they are movements or just gas/air inside my tummy. ---I've had "kabag" for the last two days... and, this you should know, I eat more these days... maybe that's the reason why I'm having indigestion... The book says, eat small frequent meals instead of heavy ones to ease somehow prevent indigestion... But oh my, that will really take loads of discipline... Food, right now, is the most tempting thing in the entire universe... --- But I think they are movements, because, after all, I'm familiar with the "indigestion gas feeling"... Those bubbly tingly feelings are different... They seemed to have more substance and force... I really don't know how to describe them in the most comprehensive of ways... ;-)

Jin-jin said my face is a little chubby this morning... haha! I guess eating more than my usual serving for five days really had taken its toll on me huh?... Well, that was good news for me, really. I hope my baby is getting all the nutrients that he/she needs.

Boboy always say I'm too lazy these days. That I should be on my feet more often, instead of just lying on our bed on weekends. Hay... I wish it's that easy to be always on your feet when you feel like dozing off to sleep every hour...

Hmm, what else is worth writing down here... ahmmm.... I think that's all for now.

Oh, I'm starting to read (storytelling) for our baby now. Evenings usually. I read the gospel of the day out loud for him/her to hear. ;)

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