
Our plan was to spend at least a year as just HUSBAND and WIFE... for several reasons.

1. We are financially exhausted. What with the wedding and travels that we had.

2. The credit card bills are piling up like trash in our garbage bin.

3. We have not fully decided where we would settle down.

4. We plan to travel some more.

5. Climb Mt. Apo together.

6. Take the civil licensure examination.

7. Apply for employment abroad.



But our plan is not God's plan. My monthly period didn't come in October. I took a pregnancy test early morning of October 7. NEGATIVE. For some reason, i didn't throw the test device right away. Instead, I placed it on top of the bathroom sink. Later, when I got home from work, I had the urged to look at it again. Looking closely at the test device, I noticed a very faint second line. My heartbeat started to escalate at the thought of being pregnant at, what i then thought, as the most inconvenient time. I didn't know how Yobz would react to it. Thinking that it might just be a defective test kit, I decided to test again after a few days.

The second test was on October 13. I woke up really early. Around 4am, perhaps. The two lines appeared clearly. POSITIVE. With misty eyes I placed the test device on top of the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked, "Am I ready for this most amazing and challenging role in the entire universe?"

Caught between joy and anxiety, I got out of the bathroom, climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around the father of my child. I was not able to go back to sleep. I couldn't wait to tell Yobz about the result... and my predicaments. I prayed to GOD he will not get mad at me for not being careful.

He would later tell me that he was fully awake the moment I got out of bed. And that he had to restrain himself from following me to the bathroom. I guess I had underestimated Yobz. When I told him about the positive result, he was so happy and overwhelmed about having a baby that I felt so ashamed for thinking he would get mad. When I told him about my predicament, he bravely told me we could get pass anything as long as we keep our faith and trust in each other. Those were the most comforting and loving words I have ever heard.

and yes, We can brave all things.... because Yobz loves me and I love him... and most of all, because GOD has given as this most wonderful gift... The gift of a CHILD...

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