I Choose To Breastfeed...

There was a time when seeing a woman breastfeeding her child in a public place was embarassing... I could still remember one moment when I was in highschool... I was inside a passenger jeep on my way to school and there was this lady who suddenly pulled up her shirt and breastfed her baby right there and then. without qualms. I felt so embarrassed for her and I thought to myself, how could she not bring with her a feeding bottle and why not feed her baby with formula so she could avoid embarrassing moments like that?...
I wasn't informed about the importance of breastfeeding then... All five of us were formula-fed when we were little because Nanay's milk supply was not sufficient and she said that it was so painful and a lot of people around her encouraged her to just feed us formula. I couldn't blame her. Formula feeding was the "in" thing during those times.
I am so thankful that at this point Breastfeeding Advocates are proliferating... My officemates are all breastfeeding their babies. I especially find inspiration with Ashti April (supermom to handsome lester andrei...)... She'd been breastfeeding Andrei since she had him, enduring all the pain and discomforts this noble job, yet greatest gift to a child from a mother, comes with. I feel so good and my determination to breastfeed our little angel grows stronger each time she encourages me to breastfeed. If only the people around Nanay had the same views about breastfeeding as Ashti April, she and tatay could have saved a great fortune during our childhood days. You see, when we were little, we were often hospitalized due to diarrhea, fever, and other illnesses, which according to the books on breastfeeding, could have been prevented by the antibodies and nutrients from Nanay's breastmilk.
As I read through this book on breastfeeding which ashti april lent me, I am so amazed at how wonderfully and amazingly God had designed a woman's breast. Imagine, according to this book, a mother's milk is perfectly suited to the needs of her baby at a particular condition. For instance, if the baby is borned prematurely, the mother's milk will be composed of all the nutrients that a premature baby will need for his/her development/nourishment.
The book further states: Human milk provides virtually all teh protein, sugar, and fat your baby needs to be healthy, and it also contains many substances that benefit your baby's immune system, including antibodies, immune factors, enzymes, and white blood cells. These substances protect your baby against a wide variety of diseases and infections not only while he is breastfeeding but in some cases long after he has weaned. Formula cannot offer this protection.
Amazing, don't you think?.... And the stories about mothers' having no milk are myths. The woman's breasts were designed to produce milk for their infants, so there is absolutely no way that they cannot produced milk (except in extreme cases when the nerves and glands were altered through surgeries and etc... but even then, some who have undergone surgeries of the breasts were able to breastfeed their babies successfully)... What may be lacking was stimulation and the determination to breastfeed. Accordingly, during the first two weeks from birth, it is normal that milk from the breast is scarce. What mothers should do is to stimulate the milk by constantly feeding the baby. Anyway, the baby doesn't need much milk at this time. What they really need are the antibodies of the colostrum secreted by the breasts during this time. As the baby latches on the breast of the mother and does the suckling, nerves in the breasts send signal to the brain which in return signals the milk glands to produce more milk. The brain simultaneously sends a message to the uterus to contract and return to its pre-pregnancy state/size, which will minimize or if not stop the bleeding.
There are several other advantages of breastfeeding aside from health... It is less costly than formula... Breastfeeding also creates a special bond between a mother and a child.... But the most important benefit it has for me is the fact that Breastfeeding is the most natural and yet special thing a mother can give to her child.
And so, I have decided to breastfeed... So help me God.

Four Months & Two Weeks...

We had our monthly pre-natal check-up yesterday and it was a blast! Our baby's head, spinal column, heart, arms and feet were already visible in the ultrasound TV. Doc Juliet said, she's 85% sure our baby is a girl... but she'll have to confirm that next month. Wow! A baby girl... As I've written here, her name shall be ALEEZA ERELAH... ;-)

Our precious Lee... We can't wait to carry her in our arms...

See you soon, Alee--- our very own baby girl. ;)

Three Months Pic...

Was not able to finish the previous blog... Maybe on Monday I will find time for that.. ;-)

Here's a photo of me, taken by Boboy. Baby is on his/her third month at this time...

Mukha lang bilbil actually... This was taken during Ali and Tessie's Wedding. December 20, 2008. ;-)

Decisionmaking: Tough Job!

Yesterday, I got the call I've been waiting for ages. After that call however, instead of feeling relieved and victorious, I found myself face to face with reality... the tough job of decisionmaking. At this point in my life, it is not only my own personal choices and feelings that matter. I also have to consider my husband, our baby, our plans for the future, etc. I guess that this is actually one of the most challenging aspects of being married and being a parent-to-be, huh?... Decisionmaking, back when I was single, was also tough, but it is a whole lot tougher at this time.

Last night, I asked God why can't I have everything that I want and need. Why am I faced with this kind of dilemma? Was that call a blessing or a trial?... What is there that God wants me to prove? Couldn't I have just received that call and decide on what I really wanted for a long time?

I must have made God so sad last night with my questions... After awhile, I realized, I am actually just suffering for some things that I have decided on in the past. There's only one person to blame... and that's me. Only myself.

Hay... I'm kinda hungry already... I will finish this blog later. Meantime, let's have lunch.. ;-)

If there's one thing that is good about all these, it is the lessons that I have learned.

Baby's 17th Week and 4th Day...

According to this book I read, on the 17th week, Baby weighs five ounces, is roughly the size of an avocado, and has pink transparent skin. The brain, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems, lungs and urinary tract --- are in full swing. The heart is pumping approximately 25 quarts of blood a day.

And since we are moving on our 18th week, let me just share with you the development on this week. The ears have reached their final position, and the eyes are now looking forward. You will feel swift jerks as your little one becomes more active, turning around and kicking often, especially when voices are heard from outside the womb. The baby's skeleton is still soft and pliable, while the brain is growing fast. Listening to music and storytelling are sure ways to boost fetal brain development at this stage.

I wish I could see all these developments with my two eyes. I can't wait for my next visit to the OBGyn's clinic. As to the swift jerks, I think I felt them already... "I think" because I am not really sure if they are movements or just gas/air inside my tummy. ---I've had "kabag" for the last two days... and, this you should know, I eat more these days... maybe that's the reason why I'm having indigestion... The book says, eat small frequent meals instead of heavy ones to ease somehow prevent indigestion... But oh my, that will really take loads of discipline... Food, right now, is the most tempting thing in the entire universe... --- But I think they are movements, because, after all, I'm familiar with the "indigestion gas feeling"... Those bubbly tingly feelings are different... They seemed to have more substance and force... I really don't know how to describe them in the most comprehensive of ways... ;-)

Jin-jin said my face is a little chubby this morning... haha! I guess eating more than my usual serving for five days really had taken its toll on me huh?... Well, that was good news for me, really. I hope my baby is getting all the nutrients that he/she needs.

Boboy always say I'm too lazy these days. That I should be on my feet more often, instead of just lying on our bed on weekends. Hay... I wish it's that easy to be always on your feet when you feel like dozing off to sleep every hour...

Hmm, what else is worth writing down here... ahmmm.... I think that's all for now.

Oh, I'm starting to read (storytelling) for our baby now. Evenings usually. I read the gospel of the day out loud for him/her to hear. ;)

Updates... Updates... Updates...

January 12, 2008. On Thursday, our baby will be exactly four months and 7 days. Finally, my tummy is showing off now... and my boobs! Move over Pamela Anderson! hahaha! Just kidding...they are not exactly like Pam's size...but give me five more months.. haha!

I had a good laugh at Boboy's remark last night. He was so surprised to see my tummy. He was in Kidapawan for the last five days and when he saw me and my bulging belly,he couldn't seem to believe that it was only last Tuesday that we last saw each other. He said it was a whole lot smaller then. I told him it's what he gets for always whining about how long he has to wait for the baby to really grow inside me. ;)

I don't know about other women but for me, being pregnant is wonderful (at least at this time)... Well, it's not everyday that you get to be prioritized in all aspect. I get to sit and sleep on the most comfortable of places. Eat lunch earlier than everyone else in the office. Eat what I crave for... the list could go on forever. ;)

I feel so lucky. With a very loving husband, supportive family, friends, and colleagues, and a mighty GOD... what more could I possibly ask for, but for our baby to look like his/her Daddy, to be healthy, normal, and God-fearing.

If we will have a baby girl, her name shall be ALEEZA ERELAH... these are two Hebrew terms... aleeza means joyful and erelah means angel... my brother BORIS gave me those... I don't know if I really got it right...hehehe... If we will have a boy, I told Boboy about naming him Matthew Tyler... but my sister-in-laws told me it's too common... Chi told me that in Singapore, almost all baby boys are named Matthew... and that was when I had second thoughts about it... I particularly like Matthew for two reasons: First, it means God's Gift... and it just suits our baby perfectly.. He is after all, God's Gift to us... Second, I love the character of Matthew Farrell in Judith McNaught's novel, PARADISE... You guys should read it... It's a wonderful, wonderful novel... ;) With Chi's comment though, I had to reconsider... And so I decided it should be NOAH...

NOAH because my prayer is always, that our baby will grow up pleasing not only to our eyes, and hearts but most importantly, in God's sight. And Noah, in the bible was the only person who pleased GOD during his time. I was reminded of that during our prayer meeting last Thursday. Our discussion was based on the Purpose Driven Life's 9th day lesson. It was all about making GOD smile. The topic touched me a lot and my thoughts drifted from our baby to my prayer and to NOAH.

NOAH. NOAH. What a wonderful name.

But I haven't discussed it with Boboy yet.

I will tonight.

I hope he agrees...

Latest PreNatal Check Up

Our latest check up was last December 23, 2008. Once again, I heard that sweet sweet music. More than just the heartbeat, our baby's head was already visible through the ultrasound screen. I wished the monitor was colored so I could have seen it more clearly. The feeling gets more and more amazing each time I witness new developments on the fetus. I couldn't even wait for our next check up (which is after 30 days). I wish Boboy was there to witness it too. He sure missed a wonderful sight.
Doc said I should continue taking folic vitamins and more fluids. She said that our baby is normal and okay. Hay... that was quite a relief. Even before I got pregnant, I have been reading books on pregnancy and some of the articles in there are quite frightening (such as congenital infant illnesses, etc..)... She also told me to see a Dermatologist for treatment of some skin breakouts in my thighs and waist. She told me the breakouts were likely to be fungal infections and it should be treated asap!
I wasted no time. I went straight to a Derma Clinic where I was given a topical cream to treat the infection ( the pretty doctor called it "Seborrheic Dermatitis")... she also told me that such breakouts might just one of the effects of hormonal changes in my body, which is normal for pregnant women. Thanks to her, the breakouts are starting to heal already... and they are a whole lot less itchy and the redness has subsided too.
My tummy was not yet in its showing off stage at that time so the Derma was not sure she heard me right when I told her I am pregnant. She told me that I will probably just look like someone who had swallowed a whole lechon on my due date. Hmmm... I took that as a compliment, alright... ;-)
After my visit to the derma clinic, I met boboy at the Canon Center at Lanang. We picked up some of my stuff at the office, went to Uyanguren to buy stocks (for his shirt printing business), and then went straight to NCCC Mall to pick up Ate Nini, Ia, Snay, and Audrey... The traffic was moderate despite the Christmas Rush. ...aaahh.. Christmas... and I'm pregnant...
This has been the most wonderful christmas gift ever....

Heartbeat: The Sweetest Music

I've always appreciated soothing music... Bossa, RNB, etc... but so far, nothing compares to the sweetest sound of our baby's heartbeat. Hearing it for the very first time almost reduced me to tears... seeing the funny look on Boboy's face made it all the more difficult to hold back the tears.

It took about three weeks before our little one's heart became visible through the ultrasound device. That was also the first time that we both heard the beating of his/her heart. It sounded like the beat of a bass drum, and it was the sweetest music that ever graced my ears in my 28 years of living on this planet. I wanted to hear it again and again and again. What pure joy it was! I wished then that I could hear it every second. I didn't want that moment to end. It was just so amazing... ;-)

The ultrasound was performed by Doc Juliet Coching. An OBGyn-Sonologist whom Ate Nica (my officemate) recommended. She comes in at an earlier hour than the previous OB so the waiting does not take forever even if there are several patients.

I was getting used to the TVS-thing so it didn't post so much as a discomfort anymore. Besides, the result of that scan was so wonderful. I wouldn't mind going through it again and again as long as I get to hear that sweet sound of my baby's heart.

Our baby at that time was smaller than an apple seed. It was so small, it looked like a white dot in the ultrasound screen. The doc said it was the heart. I couldn't wait for it to develop a head, its arms, legs, etc..etc...

Di naman ako masyadong excited noh?... Well, Boboy is another story. He couldn't wait for my tummy to show up. Somehow, the ultrasound wasn't convincing enough for him that indeed, I am impregnated with his child. hahay! ;-)

Transvaginal Sonogram (TVS): One Helluva Experience!

I had my first ever TVS the following day, Oct. 15, 2008. Thank God my officemates were very reliable information sources. They briefed me on the procedure that I had to go through on that day.

Feeling a little queasy about what was gonna happened on that very day, I arrived at the UM Multi-test Center 30 minutes before my schedule. The friendly disposition of the attending personnel in that center was enough to ease my discomfort. At exactly 10am, the sonologist arrived and I literally braced myself when the assistant called out my name a few minutes later.

The procedure didn't take long, but for me, it seemed like it was forever. For those who have not been through this sort of procedure, don't worry, it's not what I made it sound to be here. It's just that it was my first time and I didn't like the feel of that hard cold device inside my most private part. Well, who would anyway?!... ;-)

After a few minutes, the assistant handed me the result. I must admit, it was disappointing. I could not remember the sonologist's notes word for word but I guess, in layman's term, she was saying that although the womb was already thickening (meaning, preparing itself to house a possibly fertilized egg), there was no sign of an embryo. The result said to consider a very early stage of pregnancy and it recommended for another TVS in the next two or three weeks. :-(

Half-disillusioned, I walked back to the OBgyn's clinic and handed her the paper with the results. She gave me a brief discussion on the fertilization process. Unfortunately, most of those things were beyond me and the whole time I was sitting in that little room with her, I was thinking, maybe, the baby knew about my uncertainties, anxieties, and predicaments about being pregnant, that was why these things were happening.

The doc advised for me to come back after two weeks and to take the prescriptions she gave me the day before religiously.

Boboy was in Kidapawan at that time. When he called up to check on the result of the test, I was not able to hide the disappointment in my voice. He cheered me up, anyway. He always does when I'm feeling down. I guess that it's really one of the million reasons why I love him. I knew right then that being on that stage was not only my own individual struggle, but it was for both of us. It felt so good to realize that amidst everything that I felt and everything that I would soon go throught, there is this someone who loves me enough to understand and believe in me.

... and the TVS?... it was still two to three weeks away, so why fret?... ;-)

First PreNatal Check-up

October 14, 2008 - A brownish bloodstain got me worried so I told my boss I wanted to see an OBgyn right away. I took most of the day off from work to see Dr. Tauzon. That visit was a test of patience. Several patients were already in the waiting lounge when I arrived at around 11am and the doctor wasn't even in yet. Looking at the pregnant women inside that lounge made me wonder what I'd be like a few months from that moment... It was an intriguing thought which kept me from boredom all throughout the afternoon.

Dr. Tuazon recommended for a Transvaginal Sonogram--some sort of an ultrasound test. Since it was already around 4:30pm, we had to schedule the test the next day. She gave me some presciptions too.


Our plan was to spend at least a year as just HUSBAND and WIFE... for several reasons.

1. We are financially exhausted. What with the wedding and travels that we had.

2. The credit card bills are piling up like trash in our garbage bin.

3. We have not fully decided where we would settle down.

4. We plan to travel some more.

5. Climb Mt. Apo together.

6. Take the civil licensure examination.

7. Apply for employment abroad.



But our plan is not God's plan. My monthly period didn't come in October. I took a pregnancy test early morning of October 7. NEGATIVE. For some reason, i didn't throw the test device right away. Instead, I placed it on top of the bathroom sink. Later, when I got home from work, I had the urged to look at it again. Looking closely at the test device, I noticed a very faint second line. My heartbeat started to escalate at the thought of being pregnant at, what i then thought, as the most inconvenient time. I didn't know how Yobz would react to it. Thinking that it might just be a defective test kit, I decided to test again after a few days.

The second test was on October 13. I woke up really early. Around 4am, perhaps. The two lines appeared clearly. POSITIVE. With misty eyes I placed the test device on top of the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked, "Am I ready for this most amazing and challenging role in the entire universe?"

Caught between joy and anxiety, I got out of the bathroom, climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around the father of my child. I was not able to go back to sleep. I couldn't wait to tell Yobz about the result... and my predicaments. I prayed to GOD he will not get mad at me for not being careful.

He would later tell me that he was fully awake the moment I got out of bed. And that he had to restrain himself from following me to the bathroom. I guess I had underestimated Yobz. When I told him about the positive result, he was so happy and overwhelmed about having a baby that I felt so ashamed for thinking he would get mad. When I told him about my predicament, he bravely told me we could get pass anything as long as we keep our faith and trust in each other. Those were the most comforting and loving words I have ever heard.

and yes, We can brave all things.... because Yobz loves me and I love him... and most of all, because GOD has given as this most wonderful gift... The gift of a CHILD...

The Inspiration

Sandy sent me hers and elmer's wedding blogsite... and going over the page was an inspiration. why not create a blogsite for our baby so that when she/he is old enough, she/he will know how we prepared for his/her arrival...and everything that we felt about everything related to his/her coming...
So folks, sit back, relax, and prepare yourself for the story that will unfold...

Thanks, Ninang Sandy. ;-)