Showing Off the Bulging Tummy...

These days, I dress according to what I want to wear... it's amazing that people in the office would give comments on the way I wear my clothes... or comments on the dress itself... I don't really mind them... the most important thing for me is that I feel comfortable and beautiful with what I have on...
What really makes me feel good these days is the fact that people are already noticing my bulging tummy... Alfred (my officemate) said that he no longer doubts my pregnancy because the bulge is already impossible to be mistaken as just excess fats... Well, that made me smile... For one thing, I don't have to tell everyone I meet that I'm pregnant... They can tell that now. ;-)
Along with the bulging tummy comes baby's frequent movements. I love the butterfly like movements inside me. They always make me wonder what exactly is baby doing in there... and where is his/her head now? Is he/she comfortable enough?... etc... etc...
I wish that Boboy can see/feel the movements at this point... but our baby seems to be really shy around his/her daddy. The moment Boboy touches my tummy, our baby would stop moving... Maybe soon enough he/she will outgrow his/her shyness... ;-)
We love you so much, our baby... We are looking forward to your coming outside mommy's womb. Mwah!

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