Dearest Little One...

Mommy forgot to take her vitamins this morning.
She feels so guilty all this time.
How could she forget such an important thing.
She's got to be more responsible the next time around.
When she gets home this afternoon,
she'll make it a point to put the vitamin kit in her bag
so she will no longer forget it.

Daddy and Mommy are so excited.
On Saturday will be Mommy's and your regular visit to the OB.
Remember what the OB said during your last visit?
She said that on this next visit, she will confirm your gender.

Wow! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to know if you're gonna be a boy or a girl.
Because then, they will be able to call you by your name, little one.
Do you like the name Mommy wants to call you, baby?
She knows in her heart you deserve such a name.
To her you shall grow to be a person with a heart and fear of God.
She envisions you to grow in love, faith, hope, and trust.
She envisions you to be what God wants you to be, our angel.

Did you enjoy the movie that Daddy and Mommy watched last Saturday?
It was the third part of the Underworld Series...
Daddy and Mommy liked it...
It was kinda noisy...but Mommy didn't quite feel you kicking the whole time.
Where you asleep then? Or just listening?...
Well, Daddy and Mommy can't wait bringing you to your first movie.

Daddy and Mommy love you so much, baby.
Grow well inside Mommy's tummy, alright?
See you soon...

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