my wish for my nephews and niece

people wish for a comfortable life, a life with no bumps and mountain to climb..

people wish for a happy life, a life full of laughter and smiles...

who wouldn't...

but the life i wish for my nephews and niece is to have a life with bumps, so they can learn that hardship means great result, if failures may come, they know that they are just bumps and success means attainment of something they truly desired...

to have mountains to climb, as the climbing will build their character and they will know the complexities of people,

and seeing the world at the mountain top and how wondrous the experience is...

I also wish for them to experience tears, pains and heartaches, for them to fully appreciate the joy of living, the beauty of every shared smile and happiness that laughter brings....

I wish that they will find good friends but still appreciate the importance of family.

I pray that they will have a joyful soul, a caring heart and a brain like mine, hahahaha...

In all these, I want them to embrace life, be good to people and to always share their blessings may they be great or small...

I don't want them to grow up God fearing individuals, coz there is no cause for them to fear God but for them to love and live in the embrace of God always.

Posted with permission from Belle Duka 06.28.2011

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