Aleeza's Milestones @ 5 months

@ Five months (last November 8, 2009), Alee now knows that crying is just one of many ways to express her emotions. At this point, she cooes a lot... she smiles at familiar faces... brings her brow together whenever she's uncomfortable, and expresses her irritation by pulling on her ears, hair, and rubbing her eyes. She laughs at the sight of little kids playing and dancing. She kicks her legs ever so fast and waves her arms each time she wants to be carried. She can now reach her toes. She would grab hold of anything she sees, wave them about before bringing them to her mouth.

She fusses a lot everytime she's sleepy. She gets annoyed each time you rid her of the toy she's playing. She's more than 6 kilos now. She's growing to be a fine lady. I only pray that Boboy and I will be bestowed upon with wisdom and grace by God, for the sake of this beautiful angel HE had blessed us with.

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