Alee's Travel Debut

Alee's First Bus Ride. September 31, 2009 - Bound for Digos to meet Daddy's Family & Relatives

Hmm... What could she be feeling? A little uncomfortable perhaps?..

We've brought Alee to Kidapawan when she was barely a month old. She slept through the whole to and fro ride. Also we were aboard Papa's old but very reliable multicab then. Last weekend's travel was a little different and I would like to believe that it should really be considered as her very first travel experience.

Boboy and I decided that it would be best for Alee to spend the long weekend (since Monday was declared a holiday) in Kidapawan so that she would be able to meet Boboy's side of the family. Everyone was gonna be home (well, except for ate nini & chi) .

We departed Gensan at around 7:30am. We expected Alee to sleep it through but apparently, the new environment captured her interest so that she was almost awake the whole ride. Nanay and I were amused at her facial expression. She was constantly looking around and at us, as if asking where she was and why so many unfamiliar faces passing by.

I was kinda worried before that because she was just four months old. I was wary if she could bear the stress of a three-hour ride. But my little girl went through it all nicely. Thank God.

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