Seventh Month Crisis...

April 22, 2009...
I woke up with a renewed strength...
It was going to be a wonderful day...
We were scheduled to visit the clinic in the morning...
And then later, I would meet Chingky --- a good friend, to celebrate her birthday...
Then, Boboy arrived the night before and I didn't have to sleep through the night all by myself...
Yes, it was going to be a wonderful... beautiful day...
Or so I thought...

I was in high spirit when I entered the bathroom after taking a sumptuous breakfast...
And then, BUM!
My heart felt like it was going to burst in pain...
My body almost went numb...
There was blood stain in my undies...
It was brownish...
As I stared at that horrible sight, I felt myself die...
It cannot be...
Aleeza Erelah is going to be fine...
She was moving a few hours before I got out of bed...
Surely, she is doing well inside my tummy...

I wrapped my towel around me and called on Nanay...
And as I showed her what I saw, I couldn't stop the tears..
And all I could say was, "What is this?"...
As all horrible thoughts crossed my mind...
Nanay told me to stay calm... "Crying isn't gonna help", she said...
"Go to the clinic right away."

It was hard to talk to Boboy about what I saw...
But I had to...
He, at least, remain calm about it...
I guess that's just what men really are...
They could remain calm in the worst situation...
I felt thankful he didn't freak out...
Because if he did, I swear I could have died in paranoia...

When we arrived at the clinic, Ms. Joy wasn't around yet...
So I talked to her assistant, Hazel...
She checked out my BP, weight, and temperature...
Then she led me and Boboy to a room...
There she checked out Aleeza's heartbeat...
It was an agonizing moment as it took her sometime to locate our baby's heartbeat...
A thousand more horrible thoughts crossed my brain as she added more gel into the Doppler device...
And then there it was... the sound of Aleeza's heartbeat...
Steady... Strong...
I almost jump out of the bed with joy...
She had changed her position, that was why it took awhile for Hazel to find it...
It was such a relief...

After that, Boboy and I went to a nearby laboratory for a urinalysis...
Thirty minutes after, we were back at the clinic...
Ms. Joy was at her desk...
I told her about the blood stain as I presented my urinalysis test result...
She was such an easy to be with person that I felt at ease at once...
She told me she will have to recommend for an admission to a hospital and an ultrasound if my cervix are already open...
She led me to the room again and performed an IE...
My cervix was not dilated, she said... and there was no trace of blood in her gloved fingers...
Just to make it sure, she inserted a speculum (i think it sounded like that) and extracted a sample of fluid from my cervix...
There was no blood too...
She said the blood must be from my urinary tract, since my urinalysis showed a slight infection...
Her advice was for me to take antibiotics (CEFALEXIN) three times a day...for seven days...

There were still small streaks of blood stain in my undies this morning...
But there were none all throughout this day...

Thank you, God...
I could never live with myself if something had happened to our baby girl...
I love her soooo much...
I don't think I could ever live without her anymore...
Thank you, Lord Jesus for keeping little Aleeza Erelah safe and sound inside my tummy...
Please keep her safe always.

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