Seven Months... Two more 2 GO!

It's been some time since I last updated this blog...
A lot had happened since our last visit with Doc Juliet...
We are finally living with Granny and Granpa now...
It's such a great feeling to be home again...
After years of being away...independent and all...
Nothing beats parental care, so they say...

Aleeza Erelah is now seven months old...inside my tummy, that is.
She's so very malikot... and I love the way she feels inside me when she kicks and stretches...
But sometimes, it's quite agonizing to wake up in the middle of night to pee and then find it hard to sleep again because she's moving a lot already...
Then there's the discomfort of sleeping on my side....
Ahhh... How I miss the lying on my back position....
But those are the things I can live with...
If it means keeping Aleeza Erelah healthy and safe...

My first check up here in Gensan went well...
My friend Adrian recommended a birthing center with an unquestionable background...
So there we (boboy and i) went to check it out...
We liked it...
And so, Aleeza Erelah will be get her first glimpse of the world in there...
I'm really excited...and at the same time, anxious about everything...
But I try not to dwell on negative thoughts because that would mean not having faith in God...
I know that He will keep baby and me safe and sound...
AFter all, this is His angel I am having...

Well, I have to end here now.
Have to go home.
See you soon our beloved baby girl.
Everyone's waiting for you, already.


Picture posted was taken during our sixth month... ;-)

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