I know it's crazy talking (and writing!) about Noah Cedric when I'm only 5 weeks pregnant. Some people asked me, how can I be so sure? ... and then I answered them, I'm just sure because I claimed it...and after all, whatever we ask in faith will always be given, right?... ;)

In my excitement about having Noah, I googled up images of little boys and here are some of the many beautiful photos I came across:

This one is my favorite. A baby boy and a puppy, by a lake or a riverside... Someday, I'll buy Noah a puppy. Somehow, I think puppies fit little boys than they do with little girls... Hmm... I wish I could take a photo of my son and his dog...much like this one. It's just so perfect.

Here is another one. A little boy praying by the bedside...with his dog (also in a praying stance)'s so powerful! I can't wait to pray with Noah (and Alee & Boboy, of course!)... and his dog.

Well, maybe I'll get Noah a cat too... Who knows?!

I'm counting the days, Noah Cedric Añonuevo Duka. Mommy's just soo excited! ;) - April 8, 2011