Now Alee can sleep while baby piglet is taking a bath.
Thank you Ninang Sandy. Mwah!

... to our blogsite. this is a compilation of our precious GIFTS from GOD's (our kids), growing up years. happy reading! -yobz and herz
Now Alee can sleep while baby piglet is taking a bath.
Thank you Ninang Sandy. Mwah!
Well, ever since I saw Florsheim USA Kids shoes at Robinsons Department Store, I couldn't get them off my shoe-poisoned mind..hahaha!
It had been such a helluva of both wonderful and anxiety-filled moments, since Alee came into our lives. When she was a newborn, we were really anxious about how small and fragile she was (being born at less than the normal size). Her Dad was always anxious about her eyes and the way she tilted her head. I was always anxious about her health.
When she was 6 months old, we were amused at the way she crawl. Her Dad said she crawls like a crab, with one leg hanging behind the other. At one, we were amazed at the way she imitates our actuations and how fast she learns what we teach her. Her tantrums can throw us out of our wits and her falls can reduce us to tears.
We are constantly looking forward to her development. Amazing how a 9.5-kilo-1-year-and-two-months little girl can change the way we live... much more, the way we are.
* Pulls herself up to a standing position
* Walks holding on to a furniture or her crib's railing
* Say "ami" (short for mommy) and "dada" (for daddy)but it's more of a sound than a name
* Plays peek-a-boo
* Has a special preference for Piglet (stuffed toy)
* Cries out if toy is taken away
* Takes steps with hands being held
* Has a mild case of stranger fear (not much.yet)
* Gets excited when she sees mommy or daddy
* Is curious with Kiba (our cat) and Noknok (the rooster) but shivers each time we attempt to get them near her (she's afraid to touch them)
* Likes to take a bath
GOD’S WHISPER (An Adaptation)
When you came, I heard God whisper,
“Take care of this little one.
She’s one of my special spirits
Accept her as your daughter.
She may need some extra attention
Some added patience and some time
But she’ll grow into a beautiful person
With your love, she’ll be just fine.
You’ll see that she will surprise you
She’ll amaze you with her soul
She’ll bring you joy and endless wonder
In her way, she’ll make you whole.
For every smile will be a miracle
Each new step, a victory
Her growth will be blessed and meaningful
Her life is a gift from Me.
This angel is your reminder
Of what is pure and what is true
It’s not what the world says that matters
What matters is all up to you.
You are the one who will teach her
That she is perfect in My eyes
With Me, she can move mountains
She can do anything, she need only try.
For this child has a magnificent spirit
She was meant to do wonderful things
Her life has a special mission
I will raise her on eagle’s wings
To soar high and live life fully
To sing and laugh and love
So you must raise her with warmth and tenderness,
With Me, you’ll have enough.
Now always remember this message,
Be brave and strong and true
Know that I am with you
Remember that I chose you.
I chose you for this mission.
This is your gift to Me.
Take care of her well and let her be loved,
For when you love her . . . you love Me.”
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