July 8, 2009...We celebrated Lee's first month with ice cream and loaf bread at Kidapawan with Boboy's Family... It was a simple thanksgiving merienda for the gift that is Aleeza Erelah...
Having her for a daughter has bring about major changes in both mine and boboy's life. For one thing, a night out with friends is a limited event. Even travelling with them has come in second after diapers, milk, and vaccination.
With Lee in our lives, I have come to know Boboy better everyday. When I married him, I saw him as a responsible, caring brother, son, and lover. And now, in my eyes, he is one loving father. Lee couldn't have a better father. My officemates and some married friends once told me that with children in our lives, there will be more fights and misunderstandings between husband and wives. These fights can spring up from petty things as who's gonna change the nappies or lull baby to sleep in the wee hours. I have prepared myself for that even before I gave birth. I told myself that I would endure waking up in the middle of a deep sleep to change Lee's wet diapers and etc. And that, I would not expect Boboy to do those things because after all, he is the man in our small family... and men are not expected to tend to infants, are they?... But my husband completely surprised me when one night, about a week after we got out of the clinic, he woke up, at the same time I did, to Lee's wailing and told me that he will take care of Lee and that I should go back to sleep... It was the most caring words I've heard from him...It had touched me so much... He never failed to surprised me since then... He would dance Lee around when she's crying (which, is not always, praise God)... He would cook me soup and viand..prepare our merienda..and then get back to changing Lee's diaper or washing the used feeding bottles. I am quite ashame of myself for totally underestimating his capacity to care for me and our baby. Then again, I couldn't have found a better husband.
I love you so much, Beh. I always thank God for you.