Our 8th Month...

Mommy with Ninang Sandy and Ninang Gaga... May 21, 2009

Mommy with Granny at Ninang Sandy's Wedding Reception...


So finally, after 6 weeks, she finally came into view...
She was just the size of an apple seed during this time,
but her heartbeat was strong...
Boboy and I almost cried when we heard it...
It was sooo amazing...

Second TVS Result....

Aleeza was five weeks and 3 days when this was done...
Still, no traces of her...
She kept us in suspense...Really. ;-)

Our First Ever Transvaginal Ultrasound Result

Aleeza can't be found in this ultrasound...
This was the first ever TVS I had to go through...
As I've written in the past blog, it was a helluva of an experience...
But it was worth all the trouble.

A Must-Read for Moms and Moms-To-Be..

What to Expect When You're Expecting was a gift from Ashti April...
Thank you Ashti. Mwah!

This one I bought a few months before I became pregnant with Baby Lee...
I found this in one of the shelves at one of the counters at Gaisano Mall Grocery Store...
A very good book... It is written especially for Filipino Parents...

MY Daddy's Past Time...

I love you, Daddy.

When I'm out of Mommy's tummy, Im gonna give you both a great hug and a big kiss...

......that is, when I'm old enough to do it..hehehe


Aleeza Erelah

Some of Aleeza Erelah's STuff....

Cute little booties from Tita Honey....

Comfortable cotton diapers from Ashti Kaye....

Mommy's Electronic Breast Pump from Tito Bobet...
Salamat sa mga donors... ;-)

A Wonderful Surprise from Drypers...

Yesterday, I received a packaged from Drypers via LBC...
It was a great wonderful surprise...
They sent me sample newborn diapers and a beautiful bag...

How did I earn it?
Ate Nica told me to submit a "very pregnant" photo of myself to a certain email ad...
I did... But wasn't really counting on it after no reply from them...

But it's true...
I did get the samples and the bag!
Thank you DRYPERS! ;-)